The car is an integral part of our family. Like any other mechanical equipment cars need regular servicing and maintenance. Summers bring lots of problem to cars. The blazing heat of summers can damage the car’s mechanical parts severely hampering its performance. It is necessary we take proper care of our car during summer. Let us what you can do.
· Oil change
The intense weather and drastic change in climate affect the engine oil. If you have not changed the engine oil since winter then now is the time. Clean oil is important for the lubrication of engine part. The engine filter keeps dust and debris away from the engine oil. If you have clean oil the engine will be healthier and lifespan of your car will automatically increase.
· Fluids
As we want a cool environment in car same goes for cars too. Keeping the car cool is equally important as changing engine oil. Always check the level of coolant fluid and inspect coolant reservoir and hoses. Make sure there are no leaks. Along with coolant fluid, check windshield wiper fluid, steering fluid, transmission fluid etc.
· Air-condition
It’s pretty obvious we need air-conditioners in summers but you have to check if they are working fine or not. Check if there are any issues with them. Sometimes, the old cars get the problem of Freon leaking. Always remember if there is not enough refrigerant then there must be a leak. Consult a trained mechanic and get it fixed.
· Tires
Check your tires regularly during the summers to see if there are any cracks or scratches. Check the trades in the tire and make sure the things like stones, nails and the stuff like that has not stuck there. Regularly check the air pressure in the tire and keep it at a moderate level. In addition to that make sure your spare tire is in good condition too.
· Sunshade
The dashboard sunshade is probably the essential part while driving. The dashboard sunshade protects you from intense sun rays and helps you concentrate on driving. The rear side dashboards can be an option for children as it will provide them some relief.
· Other issues
In summer, several parts of our car get damaged and it is a common question among the car owners that where can I find Toyota parts near me? The Toyota car parts are available in authorized centers so it is easy to get one. These parts are genuine and made in Toyota’s factory so you can fully trust them. Along with that make sure you the air filters clean. If they are damaged then you can change them by yourself. They are quite easily available in Toyota centers.
In summer, the car must be maintained properly. The terrible heat of the summer is very much damaging to the car and hence you should make sure the proper care is taken. Wash your car once in awhile so it remains clean from outside too.